A lot of parasites and diseases can harm your guppy fish but many of them are curable. The prevention of the diseases is easier them curing them. List of few diseases is as follows. White Spots-ich, ick: Cause: The disease white spot-ich, ick is caused by an ectoparasite. Symptoms: Fish start rubbing against rocks, plant leaves, decoration or sides of the aquarium. Lose appetite White spots on fins and body Treatment: Seachem ParaGuard Velvet: Cause: It is caused by Oodinium. Symptoms: Skin of fish starting to peel off and fish start bleeding. The body of guppy fish covered with tiny gold colored dots. Treatment: Seachem Cupramine Copper 250ml Protozoan: Cause:…
Guppy home setup
Guppy fish is one of the most popular fish to be kept as a pet in your aquarium at your homes, offices and living places both for beginners and seasoned aquarists equally. It is highly appreciated to welcome your new pet it is the best way to make him feel comfortable at the new place with you. So before bringing your new pet, you must have everything prepared for him. As Guppy Fish comes in a variety of colors, they have every imaginable color thus they can add beautiful colors to your aquarium. Guppy fish are comparatively peaceful and relatively cheap. It is very easy to maintain a Guppy fish…
Little bit knowledge about Guppy fish
Guppy fish is one of the most popular fish kept as a pet. They are common fish and it is easy to take care of them. Guppies are an excellent addition to the fish tank of both beginners and experienced fish owners at their homes, offices or living places. Guppy fish is named after an English priest and scientist Robert John Lechmere Guppy. Guppies are native to South America and are freshwater tropical fish. They were originally discovered in Berlin by W.C.H. Peters, where it was overlooked. Guppies can be found in the rivers of Amazon, Barbados, Brazil, Tobago, Venezuela, Trinidad, and Guyana. Mostly they can be found in small…