If you are like many people, you may find it beneficial to purchase customized oil change stickers for your car. You can get a number of different kinds of stickers that say something different and have messages that you want to convey to the public. If you are tired of the same message being displayed on your car, these stickers might be what you are looking for. In this article we will take a look at a few of these options and explain how they work. customized oil change stickers are designed so that you can put your own unique logo or design on them. You can choose from thousands…
Do birth control pills increase breast cancer risks among women?
Birth control pills have seen a significant rise in the market since the early 1960s. Birth control pills are majorly taken to avoid unwanted pregnancies but it also helps control other conditions in women such as acne, PMS, mood swings, and heavy periods. It is the most popular and one of the most effective forms of birth control. Researchers have proven that birth control pills can slightly lower the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer by 30-50% among women. There is also a reduced incidence of endometrial cancer and colorectal cancer by 20%. The breast cancer treatment hospitals in India are well equipped with advanced technology and skilled professional doctors…
Insect Repellent Spray vs. Insect Repellent Wipes
With the official start of summer kicking off this past weekend, there is often a discussion of insect repellent spray versus insect repellent pipes. With the continued threats of the West Nile virus and Lyme disease, many individuals are blocking their positions. Apart from these primary concerns, the simple fact is that insects carry bacteria and insect bites cause bug-borne disease. However, the average disease, if you will, can only result in an uncomfortable rash or skin irritation. Therefore, the idea of seeing your children in a daily chemical fog may prove to be equally inconvenient. When I open the sliding screen door any time after 5PM, I perk like…