Heath Ledger Quotes

If you make decisions based upon people’s reactions or judgments then you make…If you make decisions based upon people’s reactions or judgments then you make really boring choices.
-Heath Ledger

Don’t let anyone ever make you feel you don’t deserve what you want.
-Heath Ledger



People generally express more in between their sentences when they’re not speaking. Words are usually there to disguise who someone is or what they’re feeling.
-Heath Ledger


Never give up on what makes you smile
-Heath Ledger


When anything is blocking my head or there’s worry in my life, I just go sit on Mars or something and look back here at Earth. All you can see is this tiny speck. You don’t see the fear. You don’t see the pain. You don’t see thought. It’s just one solid speck. Then nothing really matters. It just doesn’t.
-Heath Ledger


I think the most common cause of insomnia is simple; its loneliness.
-Heath Ledger



I believe that whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you… stranger.
-Heath Ledger



If you are just safe about the choices you make, you don’t grow.
-Heath Ledger



I’m not good at future planning. I don’t plan at all. I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. I don’t have a day planner and I don’t have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.
-Heath Ledger


You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are.
-Heath Ledger


I only do this because I’m having fun. The day I stop having fun, I’ll just walk away.
-Heath Ledger


The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.
-Heath Ledger


I feel like I’m wasting time if I repeat myself.
-Heath Ledger


Does it depress you? To know just how alone you really are?
-Heath Ledger


I like to set up obstacles and defeat them.
-Heath Ledger


May I ask your name, my lady? Or perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces.
-Heath Ledger


See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.
-Heath Ledger

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