Acupuncture was introduced some 2500 years ago in China as a kind of medical procedure. In this medical procedure, small metal needles are broken at different points in the body. Acupuncture specialists in China created an instructional map to determine the exact location of those points. He sets a total of 767 different points on the needle in his human body. That instruction map is still available today. With the help of that indicator map of a particular disease, the needle is fixed at a certain point. For example – if someone has an eye disorder, the needle will be torn in his eye line. The needles are not torn…
What are the benefits of playing cucumber?
Because calories are low in fat, it helps to reduce weight and also contains 96% water in the body. Flavonoid in rabbits protects you from chronic diseases. Controls high blood pressure: Vitamin C, silica, potassium, magnesium and sasha help control high blood pressure. Also, fats contain a substance called sterol that helps control cholesterol. Sterol also helps prevent erosion. Keeps body cool: The fiber rich in fiber and fluid helps to increase body fat and water intake. On a hot day, you can mix celery juice with sesame juice. This will help keep the body temperature normal. On skin health: Sasha also works well for skin health. Cucumber slices, juices,…
What are the benefits of Isobugil and what are the benefits of Isobugol Bhusi?
The derivative name of the isopagul tree is Plantago ovata. It is a perennial plant. The length is 12-5 inches. Flowering takes place within 2 months of sowing and is suitable for harvest within 3-5 days. It is cultivated in countries like India, Pakistan, Iran, and the Arabian Peninsular. The outermost skin of the mature seed (epidermis) and the adjacent lower layer are separated together, which we call Aspug Hask or Aspug Bhusi. Its main constituent is mucilaginous polysaccharide. They absorb water in our intestines or intestines, increase swelling (up to 3 times their own weight) and thus eliminate constipation. Benefits of Isobagul Eliminates constipation: The soluble fiber of Isobugl…