The building, displaying, and implementing a website on the internet is simply called web development. All the backend work and coding is done to make a working and functional website on the internet. There are many different functions of a website like web publishing, database management of the database, web designing, content development, and many other tasks. The websites usually need the applications of document object mode like javascript, HTML, and many others to make the website work efficiently and look amazing. No doubt, the technological innovations have clinched each and every aspect of human lives. But these innovations exerted blatant impacts on the business patterns divergently. It could be…
Top 10 Android 11 Features That You Must Know
The stable version of Android 11 is ready for users, and the update is available for many devices. But before you update, you will want to know what new features it offers. Therefore, here are all the most important new things that will enhance your experience from our Android 11 Features Post. In terms of functionality and interface, Android is already a mature operating system. Hence the new update refines the user interface a little bit. That’s not to say there aren’t new features of android 11 here. 1. Chat Bubbles Chat bubbles will let you manage conversations right on your home screen. This works the same as FB messenger bubbles, but…
How Do Ecommerce Companies Make Money?
We live in an age of flourishing commerce, most notable in wildly successful ecommerce companies like Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. Their revenue models are hybrid in nature and this sees them enjoy the kind of success that can only be dreamed of. To understand the success of these companies, it is important to analyze the ways in which they make money. Here is how they do it; Fixed subscriptions: The sellers who are registered with the ecommerce company can put up their products for sale on the website of the ecommerce company in exchange for a subscription fee. The ecommerce company may also charge closing fees that are fixed in…