Manual invoicing is outdated. You are unlikely to disagree with that statement. Whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise, managing your accounts on paper or excel sheets is no longer viable. And to assist businesses to speedily and efficiently perform all accounting duties, software developers have come up with some really cool business tools. You can search for them under the banner “billing software for business”. Some of you may have already adopted these tools and understand the value such software brings to your business. For those of you who are still contemplating, this article will enlighten you about the capabilities of the humble yet super-powerful billing software.…
Our Secret to Creating a Conversion-Driven Social Media Ad
Talking about the social media ad, getting traffic is easy but conversions… not so easy! Improving the click-through ratio is only when you design a compelling ad copy that talks to your audience. There’s no secret that you to create and write high converting Facebook ads to kick start the campaign. But that’s not all, and this is where the marketing ads fall flat. Along with creating a compelling content piece, you also need to focus on the running of these ads.Interested in knowing more? Here are our top tips to create and run ads that will help you grow your revenue. Interest-Based Targeting Social media platforms give you…
Best 15 Free Apps for Private Tutors in Singapore
Unlike a decade ago, today interesting apps are available for private tutors to recommend to their students and to also use them in their tuition sessions to teach as well. Teaching jobs in Singapore is not of the same kind of “availability” as it used to be as there is more that tutors have to do to provide the best for their students; more teaching strategies need to be incorporated and new things have to be tried out. The power of apps has been underestimated and not many tutors or students have put them to good use. However, the awareness is slowly being raised and more tutors try to…