Puppy refers specifically a dog or actually a child of an adult dog. Puppies (Plural form of puppy) are social animals and mostly they grow very quickly after their birth, turn into a full behaved dog. It can weigh 2- 3 lb. or some may weigh up to 15-23 lb. based on their breeds. Labrador retriever, Pug, Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever, Poodles, Bulldog are some common breed of Puppies as well as adult dogs. And, most of them are cute in look and too much adorable. I think that’s enough, for the identification of Puppies. Now, let’s move to the point of today’s discussion and that is foods that are…
Control your anger
Like other emotions, happiness, sadness, joy, fear, disgust and many more, Anger is similar kind of emotion for a human being. It is natural and normal for anyone and several actions and outcomes may come to you through anger, mostly it brings sorrow and injury for us. So, controlling your anger is such a skill or you may say a quality of a human in many aspects. It also establishes the maturity level of yours and controlling over it may help you build a good relationship with others. Today, we are going to give you some free advice or you may consider it as tips and techniques about how you…
How to enhance your memory power in #33 days naturally?
Memory is an integral part of ours which is processed by our brain, so it is quite similar to the brain capacity of ours. Most often, with our aging, this capacity or the power of our memory may decrease than earlier. Actually, it is quite natural and common phenomena. But the good news is that our memory capacity is not fixed or limited but it can be expandable or contain more capacity than our imagination. You may need to exercise your brain and keep work with your body to take care of your physical health, and thus the way, you can increase your memory power. To strengthen you need to…