• What are the benefits of eating raw garlic on an empty stomach in the morning?

    Garlic is also called Wonder Drug. Since ancient times, people have used garlic for various purposes. Of course, medical use was more than that. Garlic contains a large amount of sulfur compounds called allicin. This allicin is also found in raw garlic. Allicin has many qualities. You know, garlic contains about 1 calorie and 1 gram of carbohydrate, 1.5 grams of protein per 4 grams. Garlic also contains a lot of vitamins B3, B2, B3 and B3, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. If you wake up in the morning with one or two crushed garlic on your stomach, you can close your eyes…

  • In your opinion, what is the highest form or stage of self-control?

    1. Your crush is active on Facebook. A green light is lit next to his name. But you didn’t send him a message. 2. You deactivate all your social media accounts, feeling the urge to restart your accounts for a little while each day. But you are determined to stay away from social media. 3. Avoid pornography and all kinds of exciting videos. 4. You quit smoking in the end. But your mind is giving you a message for nicotine. And you made a promise not to touch cigarettes again. 5. When you have many opportunities to date but you pay close attention to studying instead of dating to avoid…

  • What are the signs that you are wasting your life?

    1.If you masturbate regularly, you think you will not repeat, but you are repeating it nonetheless. Yes, you are also wasting your life and energy. 2,You’ve been watching the same random songs, standup videos and other things on YouTube. 3. You’ve been chatting with your crush all day. 4.Every five minutes you checking WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram are checked, though there is nothing important. 5.Sundays and holidays don’t bring you joy anymore. 6.You feel angry, sad, devastated, frustrated, you blame society, you blame your family, you blame everything for your ill situation. Yet you continue to live as you always have. 7.It is very difficult to sleep at night because…