• covid 19 vaccine bangladesh registration

    Bangladesh national getting  covid 19 vaccine for free. How you  can get it ?The full procedure are in this video. Register for covid 19 vaccine and safe you and your family from the virus. All of bd people need to cooperate with government initiative. Registration website address of covid  19 vaccine surokkha  

  • 5 Signs You’re Suffering from “Sitting Disease”

    More than half of us spend over six hours sitting down at our working place and lead to back pain as a result. Sitting long time can have long and short term effects on your body and health. According to health experts long periods of inactivity are detrimental to our health with cancer, heart disease and diabetes etc. What is sitting disease and how can you reverse its effects? With the help of few tips and a sit stand desk converter, you can arm yourself against sitting disease and live a healthier life. Our body must have a mechanism to keep the joints healthy and nourished. So that movement is…

  • 7 Healthy Tips for Your Hair Care

    Everyone wants youthful, healthy, and strong hair. However, maintaining good looks in the peak summer can be challenging. When the sun is hammering on your head, you get in and out of swimming pools, and the ocean’s salt water is drying, maintaining your hair is tough. So, there are some tips on how to keep hair healthy, even on the challenging of days. Here are seven tips that are useful throughout the year. Be Tactful with Hot and Heat Appliances Heat can be damaging to your hair. Flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can do more damage in the longer run. It can make hair brittle and dry and…