Heart block symptoms and treatment of thet

What’s the block ?

There are two types of blood vessels in our entire body – arteries and veins. The function of the arteries is to spread oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body. When the artery flow is narrowed or blocked for some reason, blood flow is obstructed, this block is called ‘block’ (irritation).

What is ischemic heart disease ?

The coronary artery is the name of the blood that gives blood to the heart. When the coronary artery is blocked, it is called ‘ischemic heart disease’.

Why is the block ?

The main cause of blockage in the arteries is cholesterol, which enters the body with our daily food and flows through the blood and builds up the block in the arteries. Cholesterol is not the only block on the block. High blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking are also considered as one of the major causes.

How to understand the block ?

If the coronary artery is blocked, the following symptoms are seen:

  • There is a kind of pain in the left or middle of the chest.
  • Many times the left hand feels uncomfortable on the inside.
  • A similar discomfort may be felt in the lower jaw or on the side of the tooth.
  • In the initial state, the pain is felt only during physical exertion and relaxation is reduced. It is important to remember that it is not always the pain that comes with a block.

Heart Attack from the Block

If you do not get regular treatment with block, it can lead to heart attack. As a result of heart attack, the heart begins to die and causes severe pain in the chest with nausea and excessive sweating. Heart attack is a very serious consequence of ischemic heart disease that often causes death for the patient.

Silent Heart Attack

For those who suffer from chronic diabetes, acute pain, sweating, vomiting can often lead to heart attack without these symptoms. It’s called ‘Silent Heart Attack’.

What to do in block treatment ?

No matter how dangerous the block is, it has a complex and ten-cure disease, treating the block in the first place through medicines. In case of severe block, first the angiogram should be examined and the location and severity of the block should be determined. Then, if possible, try to remove the block by placing the ring without a fork. In the medical sciences, this approach is called PCI (fourth) for percutaneous coronary angioplasty. If the block is too large, ring placement may not be convenient, then bypass operation may be required.

Primary PCI

In our country, even after a heart attack, most patients do not reach the hospital quickly. There is no hospital with heart treatment facilities everywhere. However, if the patient is brought to the hospital with modern heart care within two hours, the block can be removed immediately with angiogram and angioplasty. This method is called primary PCI. Primary PCI facilities have been opened in some hospitals in Bangladesh. When a primary PCI is performed, it is possible to avoid possible long-term damage to the heart due to a heart attack.

Block free heart! How

The main reason behind the accumulation of fat on the inner wall of the artery is 1;

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Increased blood cholesterol

Therefore, it is important to control hypertension, diabetes and cholesterol in the blood and to avoid smoking to keep the heart blocked. The task is not very easy. That is why we want strong morale and lifestyle changes. The whole thing seems difficult, but some work related to the lifestyle is easily possible. Such as;

Increasing physical exertion

As Bangladesh is urban-centric, urban people are becoming more dependent on mental ability. They are not as much head as the body, not the body. As a result, the body is becoming inactive. However, regular physical exertion reduces the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

Use the elevator less

Practice fast walking or jogging for at least 5 minutes every day. Those who can’t get out while walking, walk the distance without using vehicles at close distances. Use the stairs to not climb the elevator as much as possible.

Keep track of calories

If the amount of calories you are consuming daily through your diet does not cost you extra calories, increase blood cholesterol and increase your body weight and lead you to diabetes and ischemic heart disease. That is why it is good to keep a rough idea of ​​the calories consumed by food and its expenditure daily.

Healthy eating

The following foods can be placed on your daily diet list to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease.

  •  Fresh vegetables, fruits
  •  Fish- especially marine fish
  •  Different types of nuts, beans, beans, beans
  •  Good foods like tofu
  •  Garlic
  •  Free milk, cheese

Avoiding certain foods is also part of a healthy diet. Some of these foods are:

  • Excess salt
  • Red meat and extra fat meats like cows, khasi, ducks etc.
  • The skin on the flesh
  • Butter
  • Mostly soft drinks
  • Excess oil fried foods

We usually have no control over the amount of food consumed when we go to a feast or a ceremony. It can cause damage. It is important to remember that what you eat is important as well, how much you eat is equally important.

Eat eggs or not

Many are in trouble with eggs. Eggs are a serious choice, but there are numerous people who are unable to eat because the doctor has forbidden them to eat. Science is turning away from the idea that eggs raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of ischemic heart disease and heart attack. Lipid or cholesterol is something to remember from the structure of our cells to the various physiological and physiological needs of the body.

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