Your Digital Lifestyle Saved You from Some of This Pandemic Risks

The crisis triggered by covid19 pushed us to the brim. While uncertainties engulfed us, we tried to survive and succeeded. Thus, emerged some of the most dynamic sides of this civilization that just refuses to give up. Amid the chaos and bubbling uncertainties, technology has been a great saviour. It has stood by us through thick and thin, kept us afloat and empowered us to fight this crisis well. Certain digital aids and automation tools have been a real saviour for businesses.

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The ‘New Normal’ Things And Alterations That Millennials Experienced

We have adjusted our lives and living and synchronised it well with the ‘new normal’ ways of life. The face masks are an indispensable part of our attire; you cannot leave your home without sanitizers and an extra mask. Well, the list doesn’t end there. So, we jot down some of the most common ‘new normal’ items and how they have been transforming our lives and living.

Remote operations: One of the most hard-hitting effects of this covid19 crisis has thrown us behind closed doors. It locked us inside our homes, hostels, office quarters, hotels, and every possible shelter. We needed to stay apart and maintain this distance to control contamination or disable the virus from spreading further. So, we started working from homes. Every sector looked for ways to make remote working a possibility. This is was a first for many industries, yet they did it. One of the best things that emerged out from this is that we learnt remote operations.
Being self-sufficient: As a social being, we had service providers. The housemaid helped us with house chores, the washermen for washing our clothes, cook for preparing our food, gym instructor for keeping us fit, tuition teacher and others. Since the enforced lockdown, we did not have access to any of these services. We had to manage all of these activities on our own. While trying to survive we learnt to meet our own needs and manage with available resources. We ended up being self-reliant.
Work-home life balance gets redefined: We all wanted to work from home until we were forced to stay at home and work. Working from home was a highly testing challenge. However, this pushed us to the edge to discover fresh means to survive this challenge. We came up smarter strategies for maintaining that work-home life balance. We could quickly switch from workstation to family, without the time and hassle of commuting too.
Home food only: Eating out was an obsession until this lockdown. We were forced to eat home food for months, prepare delectable restaurant-style dishes at home. Thus, we came up with much healthier alternatives and savoured every bite of it. So, when the eateries are finally open, we know nothing is better than home food. So, even if we eat out, home food remains a priority.
Focus on health and hygiene: Covid19 forced us to take care of our health, rather immunity, to be specific. We started exercising every day, eating a balanced diet and working on improving our immunity. The crisis pushed us to improve our lifestyle, improve existing hygiene standards and practices. These minor rectifications even improved our lifestyles and health.

The “new normal” practices improved the quality of our living, health, and lifestyle. We have termed these alterations as the “new normal” but in good light and it must be carried forward in days to come. It is so because these practices have effectively improved our lifestyle and enabled us to create sustainable living. Besides this, these have been instrumental in creating a sustainable business.

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Digital Aids During The Pandemic

Different online platforms and services were extensively used during the pandemic and continue to be in use. When we could not reach a place in person, we met virtually. Online classes, conferences, seminars and even doctor consultation was done online. What else? Keep reading for the details.

Mobile apps: Instant message apps showed us how apps can initiate dynamic communication. It got us into the habit of quick access and solution. Mobile apps have thus emerged as one of the most effective business tools for selling as well as branding communications. During the lockdown, when utilities were closed down, we turned to apps for selling, entertainment and much more.
Livestreaming: It was there even before the covid19 crisis stroke us, but we turned to live streaming more during this time. As theatres, multiplexes, amusement parks, shopping centres and every possible point of entertainment were closed, we had limited options for entertainment. Live streaming was a saviour and we utilised it thoroughly. There was no scope to add fresh content, but such platforms multiplied. As an audience, we loved it!
Automatic pressure reading: One of the major causes of illness is irregular blood pressure besides other health issues. However, doctors too limited interaction with patients to emergency cases and hospital duties. So, people got automatic pressure reading instruments for checking blood pressures and home. This is how the countrymen and countrywomen took care of their health and of their dear ones as well.          
Business automation tools: Remote working calls in the implementation of several automation tools, that will facilitate remote operations. An ERP system brings all your resources and related stakeholders under a single roof, connects them in a single network and enables smooth business operation and management. Business automation has been in practice since a long time now; it was only after the crisis triggered by covid19 that every business, of varying capacity and nature, got one.

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When it comes to business, you do not have a single formula or a single tool. You need to try them in combinations, according to the requirements that change with time and market conditions. The covid19 crisis catapulted all of the systems and throws at a set of challenges that we never knew about. In times of crisis like this, business automation systems like an ERP system, CRM solution, business applications, visitor management system, project management systems and a few others would perfect help for your business to survive and sustain.



Summary (meta description): The “new normal” practices improved the quality of our living, health, and lifestyle. In this blog, we elaborately discuss how digital aids and business automation tools have diluted the lockdown hazards on business and more.

Keyword: business automation tools, ERP system, CRM solution, business automation systems

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